Prepare your entries the way you always have. You do not have to follow a specific file naming scheme in the new system and in fact it would be simpler if just named your image the actual title (e,g, Pretty Flower.jpg) You should still follow the size requirements as described in the Formatting for Submission section: /d/980165af-479b-4f8f-92a5-8507624b7b6b
To submit your images to Digital or Print Night:
- Make sure you are logged into the website.
- Click on Competitions. A window will drop down, click on Submit Images to a Competition.
- There is a chart. Find the row in the chart for the category for your photo written as (“Competition Title”) and the date of Digital night. For example, there is a (year-month-day) Monochrome row (for example 2024-03-11 Monochrome Digital). There is a row for Assignment, Color, Creatures, etc. Be careful that you are entering the correct competition - Digital and Print have the same categories.
- Click on the button “Select”.
- Your Explorer (or Finder Window in Mac) will come up. Find the photos you want to enter in that category. Click on your photo. It will automatically put your photo into the Visual Pursuits program.
- Click “Save Images and Proceed to Edit Page”. When the light turns green the image is saved in Visual Pursuits.
- Repeat for a second photo. You can enter up to two images for Digital night. You will get a warning if you try to enter more than two. (Note that the limit is three images for Print Night)
If you want to review what you’ve entered, click on the My Account tab, then click on My Image History.
Should you want to remove an image from a particular competition, follow the steps to enter an image for that competition. You will see the image you entered. Look for the button on the left to remove the image from the competition.
This process is the same for Print Night. Submit jpgs of your print entries using the same process.