Come and enjoy our monthly digital projection night. Members submit images for commentary and judging. Everyone, including visitors, can vote for their favorite images at the end of the meeting.

Accessing Via Zoom
Digital Projection Night is a hybrid event. You can attend in person, or you can connect via Zoom. The Zoom link is made available to club members.

If you are not a member and would like to visit via Zoom, please send an email to
Put "PSCC Meeting Link" in the subject line and include the following in the body of the email:

  • Your first name and your last name
  • Your favorite thing to photograph
  • Your favorite camera brand

Please send the email no later than noon on the day of the meeting to ensure that the Zoom administrator sees it in time.
Note that we do this to confirm that you are a real person and not a "bot". This helps to screen out "Zoombombers".

Digital Image Submission Rules
Digital images must be submitted by midnight the Wednesday before Digital Night.

Members can submit up to two (2) digital images. They can be in any category. Procedure for submitting images is found here:

Formatting for Submission:

  • Resize image not to exceed a maximum width of 1920 pixels AND a maximum height of 1200 pixels high. The resolution of the submitted image should not be less than 125 pixels per inch to ensure the best projection quality.
  • Save file in a JPEG (jpg, jpeg) format at the highest quality setting (either “maximum” or #12). The images may be optionally submitted in the non-lossy PNG, Portable Network Graphics, format if they meet the width, height and resolution requirements of the first requirement.

Note: Failure to resize your image correctly can lead to a poorly displayed image and can negatively affect the judging score. if you have difficulties with correctly resizing your images for submission, you may submit full-sized JPEGs.

Images are viewed by three judges. Each judge assigns a score of 1-9. Comments are made by an experienced photographer and the final score is announced by the digital director. 

People's Choice Award

Members can access the images in order to vote for their favorites. In order to vote:

  • Click on Competitions/Vote for People's Choice
  • Select each of the Competitions
  • Click on the first image to bring up the large version.
  • We suggest going through twice, once to view, once to vote.
  • Check the box for your choice.

The winners will be reported in the next InFocus. 

Digital Categories

  • Assignment - An original photograph that has specific content as defined by the topic of the month. It is acceptable to submit an altered reality image provided, according to the judges, that the image is clearly consistent with the current assignment. The competition director reserves to right to determine if an image is appropriate for the assignment. If they determine that it is not, the image can be put in Open.
  • Creative/Altered can include any of the following:
    • Abstracts: photographs that emphasize something other than the literal subject, such as line, form, shape, light, shadow, or other abstract elements.
    • Digital Manipulations: photographs that have been obviously modified through software, filters, and other techniques.
    • Composites: images created from elements from two or more photographs. The composite may not incorporate elements produced by anyone other than the maker. Artwork, text or computer graphics generated by the entrant may be incorporated if the original photographic content predominates. Images may not be constructed entirely within a computer.
  • Creatures - The subject of the image is one or more creatures of the sea, earth or sky. Man-made objects may be part of the image but any human presence in the image should be either incidental or non-existent.
    So an image of a crow in a birdbath would be acceptable (man-made object, no human presence) while an image of a woman walking four dogs would not. An acceptable example of human presence would be an image of a breaching orca whale with a person in a kayak in the background. If the person in the kayak was in the foreground of the scene about to be drenched with water, then the image would not meet the incidental requirement of human presence.
  • Monochrome - “An image is considered to be Monochrome only if it gives the impression of having no color (i.e., contains only shades of gray which can include pure black and pure white) OR it gives the impression of being a grayscale image that has been toned in one color across the entire image. For example, by Sepia, red, gold, etc. A grayscale or multicolored image modified or giving the impression of having been modified by partial toning, multi-toning or by the inclusion of spot coloring does not meet the definition of monochrome and shall be classified as a color work.”
    Taken from the Northwest International Exhibition of Photography competition prospectus. 
  • Open - Maker’s choice. Any subject or photographic technique is acceptable as long as the resulting image is original to the member submitting it.
  • Unjudged - An original image from any category. This gives members an opportunity to have their work commented on without receiving a score. This is an excellent option for new photographers to ease into the competition process.

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