About the PSCC

Monthly Meetings

  • 2nd Monday – Digital Projection Night 7 PM to 9 PM. Members submit digital images for judging and commentary. Categories include Assignment, Open, Wildlife and Altered Reality. Details and rules can be found here
  • 4th Monday – Print Night 7 PM to 9 PM. Members submit prints for judging and small group commentary. Categories include Assignment, Open, and Altered Reality. Divisions include Color and Monochrome. Details and rules can be found here.
  • 5th Monday (if there is one) – Education Night 7 PM to 9 PM. We feature special topics or a speaker on subjects of photographic interest. This can include photographic techniques, post-processing, and detailed image analysis. Education meetings typically meet via Zoom.

Our in-person meetings are held at:
Maplewood Presbyterian Church
19523 84th Ave W  Edmonds, WA
See below for map


Park in the southwest part of the parking lot.
Puget Sound Camera Club is not affiliated with any religious organization.

About Us
The Puget Sound Camera Club is a community of people who care about photography.

Our goal is to be a place where photographers can share work and advance their skills through instruction and critique. We encourage a free exchange of ideas on both the artistic and technical aspects of photography. We believe the input gained from comments and critiques by other members is invaluable in building our skills as creative artists.

PSCC holds bi-monthly competitions/evaluations that enable members to show their latest work and receive feedback. The club also organizes field trips, visiting different locales in the area. These informal outings focus on camaraderie, the sharing of tips and techniques, and insight into the creative instincts and methods our members use when photographing similar scenes.

The club is here to assist our members, whether they are just starting out or are seasoned photographers. We honor classic techniques as well as the latest ideas and processes popular in current photography.

Membership in the Puget Sound Camera Club is open to all people interested in photography regardless of camera brand or type. Digital, film, and phone photographers are all welcome.

Located in Edmonds, the PSCC was founded by Lucille Ainsworth and Kathryn McDowell in September 1984. The current president is Chris Currie.

The PSCC is an active member of the Northwest Council of Camera Clubs (NWCCC) and the Photographic Society of America (PSA). These associations provide regional, national, and international opportunities for competition and communication between chartered camera clubs. These larger organizations provide our members with additional opportunities for competitions and recognition.

Questions? Contact us at info@pugetsoundcamera.com,

PSA Logo
Member Organization

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