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Digital Night (7:00 PM PDT)

Come and enjoy our monthly digital projection night. Members submit images for commentary and judging. Everyone, including visitors, can vote for their favorite images at the end of the meeting.

July Assignment: On the Water or In the Air
For a full description and list of all of PSCC's monthly assignments, go to:

Digital Projection Night is a hybrid event. You can attend in person or you can connect via Zoom. The Zoom link is available to paid club members.

If you are not a paid member and would like to visit via Zoom, please send an email to
Put "PSCC Meeting Link" in the subject line and include the following in the body of the email:

  • Your first name and your last name
  • Your favorite thing to photograph
  • Your favorite camera brand

Please send the email no later than noon on the day of the meeting to ensure that the admin sees it in time.

Note that we do this to confirm that you are a real person and not a "bot". This helps to screen out "Zoombombers".

Print Night (7:00 PM PDT)

Members submit prints for judging. Categories include Assignment, Monochrome, Open, Creatures, and Creative/Altered. Everyone attending has an opportunity to examine and critique each print.

More information about Print Night can be found at:

Please note that this is an in-person meeting only.

July Assignment: Doors or Windows
For a full description and list of all of PSCC's monthly assignments, go to:

Visitors are welcome to participate in image critique and voting for their favorite photos, but image submissions are limited to members only ($50/year, $75 per couple). More info about joining the Puget Sound Camera Club can be found at

Education Night - Infrared Photography with Henry Heerschap (7:00 PM PDT)

Infrared Photography - what is it and why do it?

PSCC member Henry Heerschap will be presenting an overview on Digital IR Photography, drawing on 17 years of experience. 

Henry will cover the basics of what IR photography is, necessary equipment (covering cheap as well as more expensive options) to do it, when to do it, and how to do it. He'll cover the many different filter choices that are available as well as processing considerations. He will cover pros but also cons to take into consideration when pursuing this type of art. Henry will provide lots of images, a minimal amount of jargon, and a handout with lots of additional resources. 

This presentation is free, but you must register in order to receive the Zoom link and pdf handout. The presentation will be recorded and made available through the month of August.

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